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3-Month Fitness & Nutrition Course

Week 6

If you have been following our plans, last week you should have planned all of your meals for this week - breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and these are sitting on your My Fitness Pal App ready to go. The reason for doing this is so that you get into the habit of planning your meals in advance, rather than finding that you are hungry and reaching for anything in the cupboards.

Once you have your meals for the week ahead planned, you should only then shop for the ingredients you need, which wont include things like crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks etc as you wont be including these in your healthy eating plans.

Hopefully you also now have a plan for your activity levels to reach the 180 minutes we are aiming for at the moment.  Remember as well, that this is 180 minutes OVER AND ABOVE what you used to do, so if you always walk for about 2hrs a week, this doesn't count towards your target.  The reason for this is that your body is already used to the exercise you regularly do and has already adjusted your metabolism to suit it, so by adding extra exercise, this will lead to weight loss.  This is also why we are changing the amount of minutes of required activity every couple of weeks, so your metabolism is always working hard.



I have been asking you to drink a COLD glass of water before every meal for the last 2 weeks, which hopefully you have been doing.  This isn't just so you drink more water though, and in fact it has several advantages:


1. Drinking water is good for your body anyway, and we should always drink more

2. Drinking water before you eat a meal will help you feel fuller quicker and mean that you don't eat as much.  This will then lead to extra weight loss.

3. Drinking COLD water means that your body needs to warm it up (to body temperature), which requires energy to do so, which in turn burns more calories.


So you see - it's a win-win! 


If you have planned your food diary, it means that this week you shouldn't need to record anything on My Fitness Pal unless you deviate from your plans.

We have some videos and information about Macronutrients and setting your targets correctly in line with your weight loss plans.  It's really important that you read through these as next week we are going to start adjusting your calorie intake around this, with a slight focus on protein (which is a natural fat burner).  

The theme for this week is portion sizes, so task 1 is read through the NHS Eatwell plate and remind yourself of the various elements that make up a meal, and how these should be proportioned.  Then during the week, I want you to post in our WhatsApp group 1 or 2 photo's of your meals.  Don't worry - I will let you know which ones, as long as your diary is planned in advanced of course..... 😁

Week 6 Tasks


Eatwell Guide.png


The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.

You do not need to achieve this balance with every meal, but try to get the balance right over a day or even a week.

Most of us still are not eating enough fruit and vegetables, which should make up just over a third of the food we eat each day

Read on for more information about Healthy Eating and the NHS Eatwell Plate



Meal portion sizes are just as important as what you are eating, so during week 6 I am going to ask you to send me 2 photos of your meals

Don't plan in advance and pick an ultra healthy meal - this is going to be a surprise improptu thing.... 😁

You can use the link below to submit this when I send you the request

Health & Fitness Articles


Carnivore Diet.png

It is believed that the carnivore diet started to occur about 500,000 years ago, which incorporated meat and marrow into their lifestyle through hunting.


The Carnivore diet is also believed to cause weight loss, improve anxiety, pain, digestive issues, diabetes, skin complaints, and many more. 


If you’re short on time and appreciate the flexibility of being able to workout anywhere, then yoga should definitely be a regular part of your exercise routine.


Guide to nutrition.png

Whether you’re a student of nutritional science or just trying to be healthier, it can be tough to sort through all the information out there on what to eat.


From fad diets to “superfoods,” it seems like everyone has an opinion on the best way to fuel your body.


But don’t worry – we’re here to help! 

Setting Protein Targets

Setting Protein Targets

Play Video
Setting Carbohydrate Targets

Setting Carbohydrate Targets

Play Video
Setting Fat Targets

Setting Fat Targets

Play Video
Processed Foods

Processed Foods

Play Video

Month 2 Workouts

The following 4 video workouts are also available on the Get Fit Today App, in the 'Workouts' tab.

These are optional workouts if you can't attend one of our sessions in the park, or if you're feeling really enthusiastic - in addition to our sessions.

These are all High Intensity Interval Training workouts which means they are shorter workouts but can really burn a lot of calories if you give it 100% effort.

Lower Body PT 5

Lower Body PT 5

Play Video
Core workout PT 6 (1)

Core workout PT 6 (1)

Play Video
Upper Body PT 7 (1)

Upper Body PT 7 (1)

Play Video
HIIT Workout PT 8

HIIT Workout PT 8

Play Video


Our last week of 180 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 90 minutes of vigorous intensity.

Moderate intensity exercises are things like brisk walking (at a pace to get you slightly out of breath), dancing, hiking or riding a bike.  Vigorous intensity includes things like running, swimming, aerobics or playing sports like football, rugby etc

Don't forget to record this on STRAVA

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